Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Love-Hate TV (We Watch Too Much)

We lived for a long while, when we first moved here, without television. Over a year. Just dvds to entertain us, a bit each day. Then we got Internet, and a Vudu (like Roku) box. With it we were able to subscribe to Netflix and Hulu. Our viewing habits increased some, but I still felt like we had a handle on it. Then we got a deal on cable Internet, with free cable the first month. Immediately our screen time EXPLODED! When the month was up, we had a choice to keep the cable or get rid of it. I'd come to appreciate some of the children's television we had access to- Netflix no longer had Nick shows, and limited Disney jr. shows. I liked how I could choose which shows we watched (on demand). I liked the variety. But I still was hating how much we were watching. It seemed to always.be.on.  And I hate having to pay for it.

I'm not an opponent of television. I think it has it's benefits. I get a break. The right shows do help my children learn. And I do like unwinding with a good escape show. And think the same can happen with children. Fantasy is good for the mind, in moderation. We are visual people. But it makes me a lazy parent. Causes arguments. And the background noise can wear on me quickly.

I want to unplug.

I want us to all learn moderation.

I want us to appreciate a good show, not just junk tv.

Now I need to get tough.

And come up with a plan.

And a goal, and start date.

And honestly, I'm just not sure I'm ready yet. (The yelling and tears x4.)

Someday I hope tv will not be an everyday thing in our home. But that's not today.

Thank you television for bringing us this blog post.

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