I grew up with my mom teaching me, the energy we put into things has an effect on everything. The energy, intentions, one puts in to a garden can produce larger yeilds. What we put out into the world we get back.
(Here I want to insert a very good book, Celestine Prophercy, that talks about, and teaches, how this works, how we can use it in our lives, and how we can see it working around us. I learned so much from this book. Yes it's a "story", but again the author's intent, that he put into it, is clear. He's teachings come through loud and clear.)
I firmly believe this, and try to live it, and teach it to my children. But I don't always live it. I often forget. And use words, energy, feelings in ways I really shouldn't. I remember when things are going well. When there are reminders around me. I feel like a bit of a hypocrite at times.
Rachel from Clean posted an experiment, and asked for us to join her in it.
From her post- "Even more than spoken words, our feeling also shape us.
They set the tone of our days - of our lives.
When you've been frustrated, angry, afraid you carry that energy throughout your whole day and soon everything in view is colored by your mood.
The same is true for the days when we're steeped in gratitude and joy. Blessings are everywhere. The world sparkles with magic."
This is oh so true. And here I've been given a way to show my children visually how it works. And also remind myself of something I believe to my core. That I want to try harder to do daily.
So this morning when Rachel posted to her fb page a reminder, I went straight to work (being the procrastinator I've become, I've been putting it off since her first post). I followed her directions on the post. But one of my lids is recycled from a past (unfinished project), the words Blessings Jar written on the top. I thought, even though it had been sterilized, it still had those "love" intentions in it, and I needed to use it on the Love jar. I think it'll just add to what's already in there.
I have a feeling, at first the I Hate You jar will be used most often (it's already had Caleb's angry feelings put into it twice). But I hope over time things will balance out a bit.
Now If someone will remind me on Saturdays to do an update post, I'll let you all know weekly how our experiment is going. (The visual of the jars on the counter will be a good remind to keep intentions in check, but probably not enough to keep me updating posts. Procrastinator level reaching new highs lately. LOL) I'll probably be doing more frequent updates via instagram (hashtag #iloveyouihateyouriceexperiment #riceexperiment).
Feel free to join us, and share links in the comments below!
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