Saturday, May 10, 2014

Rice Experiment Week 2

Last week I made our rice to participate in Rachel's, (from Clean), I Love You/I Hate You Rice Experiment. This whole week we've putting our Love and Hate energy into the jars. Well mostly myself, Chris and a kid or two on occasion. We all observed we were definitely putting more energy into the Hate jar than the Love. This shows mixed things. You can either see it as not being able to share our Love and joy, or that by having a tangible thing to put our Hate energy into, we were able to not spread it to each other. The visual reminder helping to keep it from those around us. And we were able to spread the Love easier amongst ourselves.

We definitely have mold. And I think we all expected to see some in the Hate jar first. As this is where all this negative energy is held. But so far no mold in the Hate jar. 

The first to show signs was the neutral jar. There was fuzzies beginning by Tuesday, and full blown mold Wednesday. Today, Saturday, there's a  nice (ick) ball smack dab in the middle.

The I Love You jar started to mold on Wednesday. And was noticeable Thursday. It isn't as moldy as the neutral jar today. The growth is slower.

They were all kept in the same place. On the kitchen counter, out of direct sunlight. None of them were opened. The only time anyone touched the neutral jar was to move it out of the way, when wiping down the counters, or to get to the flour/sugar canisters.

I tried to put equal energy into both jars. Chris says he used the Hate jar more often, directing his anger and frustrations into the jar. He admitted to actually shaking the jar when using it. This probably had something to do with the mold growth. (In his defense I didn't actually say to NOT shake the contents, just to put that energy into it.)

I think the results are decidedly different than we expected. Most of us thought all the bad energy we put into the Hate jar would cause it to mold faster. But maybe the neglect of the Love jar had more of an effect. Then there's the environment factor. Being in Tennessee our weather is warmer, and more humid (at the moment).
Our house sits at about 75-76 degrees day and night. And we have had a fair amount of humidity the past week. (Leading up to this weekend's expected rain.)

I'm going to continue the experiment, see how long it takes for the Hate jar to start molding. Today at day 7 there still is no mold. 
I'll update again next weekend.

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